Quick Notes 2.0 This is a tutorial on the Execute Highlighted Program, Execute Command and the Dial Highlighted Number features. To use the Execute Highlighted Program command: 1. Highlight the name of the executable file or command (see below). 2. Do one of the following: a. Press F5. b. Choose Execute Highlighted Program from the Tools menu. c. Click on the Execute Highlighted Program button (next to the phone). d. Press the right mouse button. Note: Do not highlight a return before the program name or command. Here are some examples: To quickly highlight a word, double-click on it. Keyword: Description: dosprmpt.pif - execute DOS (runs dosprmpt.pif) c:\windows\winfile.exe - execute File Manager sol - execute Solitare (sol.exe) cardfile - execute cardfile.exe The following are commands for Execute Highlighted Program: Keyword: Description: dos - execute DOS (runs dosprmpt.pif) del - delete screen saver - start the screen saver file manager - run file manager md dirname - make directory named rd dirname - remove directory named task list - show the task list window control panel - show the control panel clipboard - show the clipboard. To change directories, use the File Open dialog box then choose cancel when the directory you want active is selected. To dial telephone numbers, highlight the number you wish to dial then choose Dial Highlighted Number from the Tools menu or click on the telephone button. Note: You must first choose your comm port. To choose your comm port, select the menu Settings, then choose Set Comm Port. To use the Execute Program feature, you can also press the right mouse button. If a word is not highlighted and the right mouse button is pressed while the pointer is over an inactive window, the inactive window will become active. To navigate through files (change directories, see files, etc.), use the File Open command, on the menu or toolbar. Summary of Commands: Execute Program Keywords: Keyword: Description: 1. dos - run DOS 2. del - delete 3. screen saver - start the screen saver 4. file manager - run file manager 5. md - make directory named 6. rd - remove directory named 7. task list - show the task list window 8. control panel - show the control panel 9. clipboard - show the clipboard. Execute Command Keywords: Keyword: Description: 1. dos - run DOS 2. del - delete 3. md dirname - make directory named 4. rd dirname - remove directory named The following needs only the specified letter: 5. s - start the screen saver 6. t - show the tasklist 7. c - show the control panel 8. b - show the clipboard 9. f - run the file manager 10. p - run the file dosprmpt.pif (execute DOS)